What We Do In IT & Information Security
The IT and Information Security (IS) team is a high competence and high performing team that defines and implements smart solutions to support the business operations of Extenda Retail. We look after corporate technology and digital workplace for all end users and offices, developer productivity tools, ERP, CRM, DW/BI, other Finance applications and related integrations. Additionally, we are responsible for IT Security and Information Security by implementing and maintaining an ISO27001 based ISMS. Within the IT & IS team, we strive to always work with cutting edge technology protected by high standards with focus on the cloud.

How We Do It
In order to succeed, we believe in strong partnerships and engagement with all our stakeholders across the company. Therefore, we work closely with all other teams at Extenda Retail. To ensure efficient and strong communication, we take lead in defining and implementing the roadmaps for our areas of responsibility. We leverage Agile, Kanban & ITIL methodologies depending on the task at hand. All people in our team have a high degree of autonomy and ability to influence how problems get resolved.

This Makes Us Excited
Something that creates engagement within our team is that we get to work with high competence colleagues that originate from all across the globe. We work with a high tempo, in a challenging work environment, that develops people in a fun way. Within the team, we constantly work in order to move the needle in the right direction. We get to do everything from big to small projects that many times have an impact on all of the company. Therefore, in the IT & IS team, we have a feeling of achieving great things.

Why Extenda Retail?
“I am really proud of the competence and capacity of the IT & IS department. We are guardians of trust & care and deliver this promise through implementing smart solutions using the latest tech. By joining us you will be challenged in all aspects of personal and professional development, and... you will have lots of fun on the way!”

Why Extenda Retail?
“Join us and be part of the organization that is transforming and redefining how retail works.”